So, there aren't many modern Transformers I buy, but every once in a while, I see one I gotta have. In the last couple years though, the "Gotta Have" list has been growing, and the lines that the following two figures are from are a couple of the reasons why.
First up is Grimlock from the Transformers Classics line. The figures in this line are based on the original designs from the 80's, but updated for 2006/2007. A very nice version of Grimlock, that is reminiscent of the original Grimlock (Take a look at that mug!). A couple things that I think would make him better, is a longer tail in T-Rex mode and a bit less kibble. His articulation is pretty good, and you can get some cool poses. All in all, a really cool toy, and by far the best Grimlock Hasbro has made since the original.
First up is Grimlock from the Transformers Classics line. The figures in this line are based on the original designs from the 80's, but updated for 2006/2007. A very nice version of Grimlock, that is reminiscent of the original Grimlock (Take a look at that mug!). A couple things that I think would make him better, is a longer tail in T-Rex mode and a bit less kibble. His articulation is pretty good, and you can get some cool poses. All in all, a really cool toy, and by far the best Grimlock Hasbro has made since the original.
Yeah, Grimlock is cool, and well worth the $10.00 you will pay for him, but the following figure just may be my favorite Transformer released since 1984/85.....

Takara took the original G1 Soundwave, and shrunk him down to a wee little 2", and released him in their World's Smallest Transformers line. This guy is amazing! He is so tiny, and it is hard to believe that it can still transform at this size. He also comes with a super micro Ravage cassete that transforms (though looks crude) and fits in his tape deck which opens. Not only that, but he comes with outrageously small batteries/guns that fit in his back when in cassete player mode, and his shoulder and hands when in robot mode. I did not take pictures of these items, because I got my Soundwave for just $2.00 since he was missing his gear. I will get a complete one eventually, but these are going for $20 - $30 now.

So, it is those two lines, Takara's World's Smallest Transformers, and Hasbro's Transformers classics, along with the Masterpiece/20th Anniversary figures that have made me a collector of modern Transformers. Some really great stuff out there.
These guys have quickly moved to the top of my wish list. They are about the coolest new toys I've seen in awhile. Thanks for sharing all of the great info!
Great blog!
- Creaturella
Hey, no problem, I am glad you enjoyed it. Grimlock is fairly easy to find, just check your local Wal-Marts and Targets. Your best bet for Series 1 World's Smallest Transformers is eBay at this point. have some sets of series 2 for a really decent price though!
Way cool! Gotta love Grimlock and Soundwave :) I picked up the Starscream they put out and my jaw dropped at how cool these new TFs are.
Thanks for the tip on where to find them! I must admit you had me at hello on these when you posted that last photo. I love that one! It's great!! =D
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