If you thought the made for television Spider-Man movies from the 70's are campy, you ain't seen nothin' yet! In 1978 Japan had it's own Spider-Man show. This wasn't the Spider-Man us Americans know, no, he was quite different. This was more like Ultraman (or for the younger readers Power Rangers). Spider-Man pretty much has the same powers, wall climbing, super strength, web-spinning (Spyda stwiiing!), and oh so much more, and here is where the cheese starts. Spidey also had his own flying race car called the Spider Machine GP-7, that could combine with the Marveller (A space ship from the planet Spider) and form a giant robot called Leopardon, who carries a giant spider shield and battles giant monsters, saving Spider-Man's ass. Oh, and did I mention Spidey knows Kung-Fu!?!? Go figure, a Japanese show with Kung-Fu, giant robots and giant monsters. Amazing!
It almost sounds like I am making it up, doesn't it. Well, I have proof. Grab some Boston Baked Beans and enjoy the first episode of the show. It's all in Japanese, but who cares, when you can see Spidey Kung-Fu some super villain duck people! Enjoy, and when the show is over, read on about the Spider-Man action figure made by Popy!
I have to say, those wall crawling effects are nice! But enough about the show, lets talk about the action figure from the show.

Released at the same time as the show, Popy's 10" Spider-Man is similar to a Mego, or Big Jim action figure, fully articulated, with action action features that are as crazy as the show! This figure is AMAZING!

Probably the oddest thing about this figure, is that he has no gloves. Just flesh hands. Why they didn't mold them in red, or paint them, is beyond me. Ok, maybe that isn't the oddest, maybe this is. Spider-Man's left hand fires a missile, and man does it fly!

His right hand has a spring activated web inside it, with a hook on the end. You can hook this on to something, pull Spidey down, let go, and he shoots up the web! He can also pull objects towards himself.

Spider-Man also includes suction cups and magnets that connect to his hands for wall (fridge/window) clinging fun, as well as a web he can repel down. You also get two little black spiders.

I think hat you will agree, that although this figure has some wacky things going on, he would have been loads of fun to play with as a kid. And you know what, he is loads of fun now!
Hope you enjoyed this blog about Spider-Man from Japan! The Japanese made some incredible toys, and still do today. Expect to see a lot around here!
1 comment:
Man, that is one cool toy! Great action features even if the missile is extremely bizarre.
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