I don't care what you say, Adam West will always be THE Batman. I know it's ultra campy, and that is what I like about it! After all, the show was based on a comic book. The 60's Batman TV show was before my time, as I was born in 1972, but I did watch it religiously in reruns as a kid, always hoping for a Joker episode. I still enjoy watching the show to this day, it's a riot, and it would sure be nice to see it get a DVD release. So yeah, nothing against the many Batman movies that have been released since, but no matter what, Adam West will always be THE live action Batman in my eyes.
Lets change the subject for a minute. Another hobby I have, is customizing action figures. I also enjoy seeing other people's work. There are some very talented customizers out there, and the variety of styles is part of what makes it cool in my eyes. As far as I am concerned, custom action figures are works of art. Some of my favorite customs are Mego customs. They are loads of fun to make, and I am a huge fan of the 8" Mego figures from the 70's.
Many people sell their customs, sometimes myself included, but I rarely ever buy other people's work. Not because I don't think they are worth it, but because, well, if I want a character bad enough, I will usually take a stab at it myself. That being said, every so often, I will see one that I must own. This is one of them....
I have seen custom Adam West Batman figures before. Usually in the 1/6 scale (12"), and some of them have been pretty impressive, but one day while while surfing eBay for Mego Batman stuff, I came across an auction that made my jaw drop, and scream, HOLY SHIT, IT'S A MEGO ADAM WEST BATMAN!

I knew I must own it. The seller was a cat named Brian Leitner, who is an excellent Mego customizer, and well known in the Mego collecting community. I kept an eagle eye on the auction, and when it came time to bid, I excitedly entered my bid. Well, boo hoo, I was outbid on the figure in the last 2 seconds. That wasn't going to stop me though. I decided to send Brian a message, asking if he would be making anymore and selling them on eBay. I didn't get a reply....until a few weeks later. Brian sent me a second chance offer through eBay for my highest bid. I wasted no time in taking him up on the offer, and a few weeks later a mini Adam West sprung out of my mailbox and beat the crap out of my Mego Riddler.

Batman has a resin cast head that was hand painted, and a custom sewn outfit, all on a reproduction Mego body. The incredible box was created by Toyroom.
More detailed than a Adam West Batman Mego figure from the 70's would have looked, but he still fits in with the vintage figures nicely. I can't say enough nice things about this custom, and I have zero regrets on the purchase.
If you would like to take a look at some of Brian Leitner's other work, you can check out his page by clicking here. Brian does commission work, and if you ask nicely he just might make you an Adam West Batman too! Tell him Jason (TCM Hitchhiker) sent ya!
Want to see more cool Mego customs, stop by the Mego Museum Forums!